• Who is NBT?

    NBT is led by a group of entrepreneurs with over a combined 100+yrs of entrepreneurship experience. Leaders in the group own companies ranging from amazon, house flipping,  air bnb’s, restaurants all the way to one member worth $120,000,000 in electronic recycling. Each and every member is self employed, and a master at their craft. 

  • Who is NBT for? 

    Novara Business Tactics is for the individual who is seeking financial freedom. Whether that may be $100,000 a year or $10,000,000 a year. NBT is for those who want to challenge themselves and accomplish the most they possibly can… and some more. NBT is for the hungry, for the one who wants peace of mind, for the one who wants to take care of themselves and others, for the one who knows money doesn’t bring happiness but it turns calamities into inconveniences.

  • Who is NBT not for?

    NBT is not for the procrastinator. NBT is not for the one who talks about financial freedom but doesn’t take any action. NBT is not for the one who talks about having the nicer things in life yet takes zero action. NBT is not for the one who doesn’t realize how much Sacrifice it takes to become successful in the world of entrepreneurship. NBT is not for the one who constantly talks about starting, but finds himself in the same position he’s been at for the last millennia.

  • What are some perks of joining NBT?

    NBT hosts 2 -3 weekly calls, Monday - Wednesday- Friday.  These calls consist of Guest speakers educating members on various aspects of business, answering questions, and going over real world scenarios in every aspect of business. Novara Business Tactics not only goes over the essentials to business but an added bonus is going over non business related topics such as, Car knowledge, Life lessons, relationship wisdom, and over all support from the leaders in the community. 

  • Why is there an application?

    With the amount of value that is provided, NBT only wants driven, focused , and determined individuals to be a part of this community. Having access to the group is a privilege, and we only want individuals who truly want financial knowledge and freedom. 

  • Our Purpose

    Novara Business Tactics (N.B.T) is a dedicated community aimed at empowering entrepreneurs of all generations. With the guidance of the accomplished mastermind Kasem, we strive to provide valuable resources, mentorship, and support that propel aspiring entrepreneurs toward their goals. Our mission is to foster learning, growth, and success to all members of the N.B.T community.